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Asian Technical Committee 7

ATC7_Terms of Reference(2021).pdf


We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the ATC7 special session “Geotechnical Issues and Practices on Deltaic Deposits and Highly Compressible Soils” of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE), Sydney, Australia


The 20th ICSMGE is scheduled to be held in Sydney, Australia on September 12–17, 2021. The details of the 20th ICSMGE can be found at http://www.icsmge2021.org.


This special session will provide the venue for geotechnical practitioners and researchers to present the latest research and innovations on a wide range of geotechnical topics, related to deltaic deposits and highly compressible soils, including but not limited to:

- Characterization of material properties

- Numerical and physical modelling

- Construction and development

- Ground improvement

- Foundations

- Environmental issues

- Risk, energy, earthquake, and other topics related to deltaic deposits and highly compressible soils


Instructions for Abstract Submission:

Please submit a short abstract of around 200 words in length to ATC7 via email (atc7.icsmge2021@gmail.com).


Key Dates:

Abstract submission opens: December, 2019

Registrations Opens : September, 2020

Abstract submission closes: May 31, 2020

Presenters Notified : July, 2020

Paper submission closes: January, 2021

Early Bird Registration closes: April, 2021

ICSMGE Sydney 2021 : 12-17 September, 2021


Please feel free to contact Professor Kim via email (atc7.issmge2017@gmail.com) if you have any questions.